Suncreen with Carabiner for Winter Sport
Do you bring a bottle of suncreen with carabiner with you when you go out for sports. Some fellow Australians take it for granted that sunscreen is no longer needed since it is already winter. The cold wind simply sweeps away their idea of protection from the sun. Unfortunately, this can be quite dangerous for the skin and if you keep doing so, the chances are you may probably have a much higher chance of getting skin cancer when you are older. Due to the huge ozonosphere hole above us, the sun still does great harm to our skin even in winter. Therefore, do not forget your sunscreen with carabiner when you go out tomorrow!
While it is a possible danger for people to be exposed to the sun, it is also an opportunity for your company to show your customers how much you care for them and how much your company value health. With a SPF rating of 30+ and your company logo nicely printed in the front, our sunscreen with carabiner is a brand new idea to stay in good terms with your customers.